Fossils, Fossil & Red Coral

Timor is described as an “uplifted, faulted margin of the former Australian craton, composed of Permian to Cretaceous aged rocks. Miocene and lower rocks form a thin layer in some areas”.
There are 3 main fossil beds exposed in today’s geo-strata in West Timor as the Australian plate pushes against the Asian plate. Offering us 280-300MYO Permian/Upper Triassic in the Sonnebait formation on the Basleo Faultline running from SoE, TTS right through the Bobonaro Scaly Clay Formation to East Timor: displacing, amongst other fossils, a variety of BLASTOIDS, CRINOIDS, DENTOIDS & AMMONITES.
Nearby 6-10myo Miocene beds give us coral, brachs, molluscs, bi-valves, gastropods, oysters and clams.
On the southern edge is a steep sided river bed exposing a large variety of  220myo ammonites embedded in the rock face.
Whilst I do not claim to be a fossil expert, I have been fortunate to be in the field and have hunted down as many examples as I could.

With the able assistance of some Timorese fossil experts and input from Fossil Forum I will attempt to make as accurate identifications as possible but I could always stand to be corrected thereby learn even more about the fascinating world of Timorese Fossils.

Integral to the Animist culture in Timor is the practice and art of Rock Face carving. I am proud to be offering a selection of pieces from some of the artists.