Bone scrimshaw containers betel nut

Marvel at this selection of Bone Scrimshaw Lime Powder Containers.
There are artists alive today in the central highlands of West Timor that specialise in working these most difficult of mediums. The Bone and Buffalo Horn used are from animals that were killed mostly for celebration. In Timor as with many more traditional cultures livestock constitutes a family’s wealth and true to the Timorese tradition of making good use of the few available materials, we are fortunate to be treated to these engraved or scrimshaw worked treasures.
Over the last few years 5 young men have introduced themselves to me and are proving to be masters in their own time and craft as the pieces that are in this category will show you. Each one is an original and the creators have hand made these masterpieces using little more than a pen knife and a saw blade.
Local trading amongst the Timorese for those that covet bone containers ensures that the better craftsmen are kept busy and means that there is a variety of containers available when I go there.
Copyright Julie Emery 22/02/2022©